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SEC Staff Offers Additional Guidance on BD and IA Conflicts of Interest
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SEC Staff Offers Additional Guidance on BD and IA Conflicts of Interest

On August 3, 2022, SEC staff issued new guidance addressing conflicts of interest under the Regulation Best Interest (“Reg BI”) standard for broker-dealers and the fiduciary standard for investment advisers. While the staff bulletin states clearly that the guidance is intended only to be a reflection of internal views on the subject, its tone, comprehensiveness (replete with numerous examples), and even its pragmatic question-and-answer format warrant careful attention. Read our full analysis for details on this new guidance and how it could impact your firm or clients.

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The SEC Marketing Rule - What You Need to Know
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The SEC Marketing Rule - What You Need to Know

The mandatory compliance deadline for the SEC marketing rule—which replaced the former Advertising Rule and the Cash Solicitation Rule—is November 4, 2022. Advisers should be reviewing, revising, and preparing to implement procedures and policies to prevent potential violations. There’s still time, but there’s also a lot to consider, as the rule consolidates previous SEC guidance, no-action letters and exam findings on questions concerning recommendations, testimonials, and the presentation of performance metrics. Here’s what you need to know.

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FINRA Proposes Updates to Supervisory Rule on Home Offices
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FINRA Proposes Updates to Supervisory Rule on Home Offices

FINRA has filed with the SEC proposed changes to FINRA Rule 3110 to add new Supplementary Material 3110.19 (Residential Supervisory Location). The changes allow a home office to be considered a non-branch “residential supervisory location” under certain conditions. By this proposal, FINRA is adapting to a new, post-pandemic model in which employees work at both conventional offices and in their private residences—a model which FINRA acknowledges is likely to “endure.” Read the full article for details on these proposed rule changes.

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Reg BI Makes FINRA’s Dispute Resolution Stats List and Other Notable Arbitration Developments
Images © [Kristina Blokhin, Andriy Blokhin] /Adobe Stock


Reg BI Makes FINRA’s Dispute Resolution Stats List and Other Notable Arbitration Developments

An inevitable—if somewhat subtle—milestone was reached this month for Regulation Best Interest. Posted on FINRA’s monthly dispute resolution statistics page are numbers related to the top 15 security types in customer arbitrations, and coming in at number 14 (through May 2022) was Reg BI. Other recent developments in dispute resolution include movement on rule proposals concerning accelerating processes for elderly claimants, and amendments to align the arbitration code with a new federal law on sexual assault and harassment. FINRA also committed to producing a plan to enhance the transparency of the arbitrator selection process. In addition, the SEC has issued a new primer on arbitration and mediation. Here are the highlights to note.

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Fighting Elder Financial Exploitation: FinCEN Releases Behavioral and Financial Red Flags, NASAA Publishes Guidance on POAs, CFTC Releases Warnings
Image © [LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS] /Adobe Stock


Fighting Elder Financial Exploitation: FinCEN Releases Behavioral and Financial Red Flags, NASAA Publishes Guidance on POAs, CFTC Releases Warnings

Timed to coincide with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15, 2022, federal and state government officials issued proclamations, advisories, and new resources to help in the fight against senior financial abuse. Despite many government initiatives now in place to go after the perpetrators of elder financial abuse, the problem continues to grow. Taken together, these latest government alerts offer a snapshot of where things stand. In this article, we take a look at the most significant developments.

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Regulatory and Legislative Action on SPACs Gaining Momentum: SEC Rule Proposal and Senate Legislation Introduced; Class Actions Growing
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Regulatory and Legislative Action on SPACs Gaining Momentum: SEC Rule Proposal and Senate Legislation Introduced; Class Actions Growing

It has been clear for some time that regulators are targeting special purpose acquisition companies (“SPACs”) for increased scrutiny, tighter rules, and aggressive enforcement. Both the SEC and Senate legislators are proposing new rules and laws governing SPACs. This regulatory and legislative activity comes amid poor overall SPAC performance and volatility. In this post, we review the proposed SEC regulation, Senator Elizabeth Warren’s SPAC report, the anticipated legislation, and current conditions.

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Meet Bates at the SIFMA C&L Regional: St Louis, June 8, 2022


Meet Bates at the SIFMA C&L Regional: St Louis, June 8, 2022

Meet Bates Director Joe Thomas and Experts Clay Grumke and Jeff Jamieson (pictured, from L) in St. Louis at the SIFMA C&L Regional Seminar, June 8, 2022, at the Edward Jones Conference Center. Bates cybersecurity expert Paul Horn (pictured, R) will appear on the afternoon panel “Managing Cybersecurity and Data Risk in Today’s Technological Environment” at 1:30 p.m. CT.

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Bates Welcomes New Consulting and Testifying Experts – June 2022


Bates Welcomes New Consulting and Testifying Experts – June 2022

Bates Group welcomes our newest consulting and testifying experts (pictured, L-R):

Joan Marie Asher, CIFD, IACCP - Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Alternative Investments

Jeffrey L. Baliban, MA Econ, CPA/ABV/CFF, CDBV - Business and Economic Damages, Business Valuation, Accounting

Jeff Jamieson - Litigation, Regulatory, Internal Investigations

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