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AML Legislative Update: Seeking Transparency, House and Senate Propose Beneficial Ownership Database
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AML Legislative Update: Seeking Transparency, House and Senate Propose Beneficial Ownership Database

This month, a bipartisan group of Senate Banking Committee members introduced legislation to address current gaps inhibiting the fight against illicit financing of criminal activity (CFT). This follows the House Financial Services Committee's adoption of an aggressive legislative agenda aimed at modernizing and closing loopholes in the AML/CFT framework. Of key interest to both the Senate and the House is the expansion of the use of “beneficial ownership information” of the type now collected under the Customer Due Diligence rules that went into effect last year. In this article, Bates reviews the developing congressional legislative efforts to detect and deter financial crime.

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Massachusetts Proposes State Fiduciary Rule; Trade Groups Ask New Jersey to Pause its Process
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Massachusetts Proposes State Fiduciary Rule; Trade Groups Ask New Jersey to Pause its Process

The SEC's recent adoption of Reg BI has not stopped the states from pursuing their own higher standards. Last week, Massachusetts became the latest state to propose a uniform fiduciary standard for broker-dealers and advisers when dealing with its residents. A group of trade associations have also expressed concerns regarding New Jersey's proposal to apply uniform fiduciary standards to broker-dealers and investment advisers for recommendations and advice they may give to New Jersey investors. Bates Research takes a closer look at the Massachusetts proposal and the broader federal/state power struggle.

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SEC Adopts Regulation Best Interest: Early Reaction and its Impact
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SEC Adopts Regulation Best Interest: Early Reaction and its Impact

On the day the SEC approved a set of regulatory proposals affecting the obligations that broker-dealers and investment advisers owe retail investors, Commissioner Hester Peirce issued a “plea” to critics to “take a fair look at what it says before you proclaim it a success or failure.” In this article, Bates reviews the core elements of the rules and related guidance, and some of the early reactions.

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Cryptocurrencies Regulatory Update: FinCEN Guidance, SEC and Commissioner Commentary
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Cryptocurrencies Regulatory Update: FinCEN Guidance, SEC and Commissioner Commentary

The state of play in cryptocurrency regulation continues to reflect legitimate tensions between promoting innovation and entrepreneurship and maintaining sound markets and investor protection. In this article, we review recent developments including new guidance and a recent advisory issued by FinCEN, anticipated guidelines from the Financial Action Task Force and the latest developments at the SEC.

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NASAA Members Adopt Investment Adviser Information Security Model Rule Package


NASAA Members Adopt Investment Adviser Information Security Model Rule Package

As Bates reported last October, the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) proposed a new model rule for consideration by state regulators that would require state-registered investment advisers to adopt new policies and procedures in order to safeguard client information. NASAA has announced that its members voted to adopt the model rule package “which now is available for individual jurisdictions throughout the United States to implement through regulation.” This significant announcement may have serious enforcement implications. In this article, Bates Research takes a closer look at what you need to know.

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SEC Office of the Investor Advocate Releases New Report on Efforts to Protect Seniors
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SEC Office of the Investor Advocate Releases New Report on Efforts to Protect Seniors

The SEC Office of Investor Advocate (OIA) has prepared a valuable overview report on the SEC’s efforts to protect seniors from financial exploitation. The 25-page paper highlights the agency’s examination, enforcement and regulatory policy, in addition to its education and outreach activities. Bates follows regulatory and enforcement developments on senior financial exploitation issues closely. In this article, we review key observations from this latest OIA report which hones in, specifically, on the SEC’s approach to combating senior financial fraud.

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FINRA on AML, Departing Registered Representatives, New Proposed Rules for Firm Misconduct
FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook


FINRA on AML, Departing Registered Representatives, New Proposed Rules for Firm Misconduct

Over the last month, FINRA issued guidance on anti-money laundering compliance and customer communications concerning departing registered representatives. FINRA also proposed a rule adding obligations to firms with a significant history of misconduct. In this article we take a closer look at these moves and the stepped-up expectations that flow from them.

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Safeguarding Client Information: OCIE Wants Firms to Increase Efforts
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Safeguarding Client Information: OCIE Wants Firms to Increase Efforts

Continuing in its efforts to prioritize the protection of retail investors, the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examination (OCIE) has issued a new Risk Alert highlighting privacy and information security issues raised during examinations of registered investment advisers and broker-dealers. In this article, Bates Research takes a closer look at the new Alert and the OCIE’s emphasis on improving firms' compliance in safeguarding their clients' personal information.

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New Jersey Makes Its Move, Proposes Financial Services Fiduciary Standard


New Jersey Makes Its Move, Proposes Financial Services Fiduciary Standard

On April 15th, the New Jersey State Bureau of Securities proposed applying uniform fiduciary standards to broker-dealers and investment advisers. Promoted by Governor Phil Murphy (pictured), the proposed rule would deem any breach of fiduciary duty owed to a customer under the proposed regulation a “dishonest and unethical practice.” In this article, Bates describes the state's proposal and considers some of the implications and reaction to New Jersey's move.

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Federal Legislators Target Mandatory Arbitration
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Federal Legislators Target Mandatory Arbitration

Longstanding opposition to mandatory arbitration is finding renewed momentum as federal legislators introduce bills to limit or even eliminate the binding provisions in consumer, employment and financial contracts. In this article, Bates Research looks at the new legislation targeting mandatory arbitration agreements, some reactions by industry groups and recent developments on the broader subject, including yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court arbitration decision and continued pressure on FINRA.

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Spotlight: Q&A with R. Gerald (“Jerry”) Baker, Bates Group Senior Compliance Consultant


Spotlight: Q&A with R. Gerald (“Jerry”) Baker, Bates Group Senior Compliance Consultant

Bates Research interviews our most senior experts to get their perspective on the latest regulatory and compliance concerns affecting clients today. We sat down with R. Gerald (“Jerry”) Baker, a Consultant with Bates Compliance Solutions, and an expert with over 45 years of financial services and compliance experience, and asked him to share his observations on some of the current challenges confronting broker dealers and RIAs.

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U.S. House Moves to Address AML/BSA Framework


U.S. House Moves to Address AML/BSA Framework

On March 13, 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives adopted a resolution, sponsored by House Financial Services Committee (HSFC) Chair Maxine Waters, declaring that “the lack of sunlight and transparency in financial transactions poses a threat to our national security and our economy’s security.” On the same day, a subcommittee of the HFSC considered legislative proposals aimed at modernizing the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and closing loopholes in the Anti Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) framework, including building on the use of beneficial ownership information collected under Customer Due Diligence (CDD) rules that went into effect last year. In this article, Bates Research continues its review of developing Congressional legislative efforts to detect and deter financial crime.

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NASAA Update: Legislative Agenda, President Provides Testimony on Regulation Best Interest


NASAA Update: Legislative Agenda, President Provides Testimony on Regulation Best Interest

The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) has been in the public eye this month as state regulators (i) issued a set of federal legislative priorities and (ii) provided written testimony to the U.S. House Financial Services Committee concerning the need for greater clarity on the SEC proposed Regulation Best Interest. In this article, we look at NASAA’s 2019 legislative and regulatory priorities and summarize NASAA president Michael Pieciak's (pictured at left) latest take on the SEC’s efforts to find an acceptable compromise on broker standards of conduct.

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Justice Department Coordinates Largest Ever Elder Fraud Sweep:
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Justice Department Coordinates Largest Ever Elder Fraud Sweep:

260 Global Defendants said to have Targeted 2 Million Americans, Mostly Elder

On March 7th, federal and state enforcement agencies announced they had embarked on a massive crackdown on financial fraud directed at seniors. As part of the “sweep,” the Justice Department reported the filing of criminal or civil charges against hundreds of alleged offenders as well as the launch of targeted public education efforts throughout the country. According to the United States Attorney General, the coordinated actions reached into every federal district across the country and served to underscore the government’s efforts to protect a vulnerable population and address this complex and widespread problem.

In our last post, Bates Research highlighted the CFPB's analysis of five years’ worth of SARs data relating to elder financial exploitation. The use of the information contained in these filings represents an attempt by regulators to create and use data to better understand the scope of the problem and to inform enforcement and public education efforts. In this article, we look at current efforts on the enforcement side, as represented by the actions undertaken last week.

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New CFPB Report finds SARS Filings on Elder Financial Exploitation Quadrupled from 2013 to 2017
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New CFPB Report finds SARS Filings on Elder Financial Exploitation Quadrupled from 2013 to 2017

A recent analysis by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) related to elder financial exploitation provides the most detailed look to date at the size and scope of this issue. Bates Group has been following the issue of senior financial exploitation for some time. The findings from the CFPB analysis affirm previous reports that senior financial abuse is pronounced, but that the current number of SARs filings “likely represent a tiny fraction of actual incidents.” In this article, we review the findings and recommendations contained in the new Report.

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