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News & Events – Compliance and Regulatory Alerts

FINRA Rolls Out Its 529 Plan Share Class Initiative - Is Your Firm Ready to Address It?


FINRA Rolls Out Its 529 Plan Share Class Initiative - Is Your Firm Ready to Address It?

On the heels of the SEC’s 12b-1 Share Class Initiative, FINRA just announced its own Share Class Initiative. FINRA’s Share Class Initiative sets a deadline of April 1, 2019 for firms to self-report 529 savings plan share class violations and to provide FINRA with a plan to remediate harmed clients.

Bates Group has deep and proven experience and expertise in share class disclosure matters. To support firms facing FINRA’s 529 Plan disclosure and remediation initiative, we have created a plan that provides essential end-to-end steps and solutions to identify and address accounts and clients impacted by share class selection.

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BCS Alert: FINRA’s Susan Schroeder Previews 2019 Enforcement Priorities


BCS Alert: FINRA’s Susan Schroeder Previews 2019 Enforcement Priorities

At the November 2018 SIFMA C&L New York Regional Seminar, Susan Schroeder, FINRA’s Executive Vice President and Head of Enforcement, discussed some of FINRA’s enforcement priorities heading into 2019. You can expect these to be included when the official list comes out in January. Read the full alert to preview FINRA's 2019 priorities.

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