Bates Research | 04-18-23
OFAC Modernizes Website, Making It Easier to Search Database and Remain Compliant

On April 3, 2023, The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) unveiled a new website to help individuals and entities access information related to sanctions and international trade compliance. The modernized website is designed to make it easier for users to find guidance on specific industries, use the reporting system, stay current on policy updates, and access OFAC's sanctions database quickly and efficiently.
It features an intuitive user interface, with a streamlined navigation menu which allows users to easily search and access hundreds of frequently asked questions (FAQs) through keywords or exact phrase within the FAQs. Additionally, industry-specific pages are available to help users understand how OFAC regulations apply to their area of expertise. For example, investigators can now easily search for guidance related specifically to conducting investigations under OFAC compliance regulations. The improved search engine also allows for more complex searches across all areas of OFAC’s online presence from one centralized location. Furthermore, the new website has been designed to be mobile-friendly, so users can access essential information from any device at any time.
Overall, this update will make it significantly easier for individuals and entities in all industries to navigate OFAC's sanctions database quickly and accurately in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. While the modernized site is user-friendly, users should be aware that OFAC’s legal requirements remain unchanged—and noncompliance could still result in fines or other penalties. Therefore, it is important for all users to familiarize themselves with all relevant regulations before engaging in any activities with foreign countries or entities subject to U.S. economic sanctions programs.

How Bates Helps:
All financial institutions and any business conducting financial transactions are required to meet the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) compliance obligations. It is essential to have a well-developed BSA/AML/OFAC compliance program in place that manages compliance risks and promotes best practices for your industry. At Bates, our specialists understand and identify all requirements for different types of financial businesses. Many of our consulting experts have CAMS, CAMS-Audit, CFRM, and CRCM certifications, and some are former AML regulators who understand exactly what government officials are looking for.

Brandi Reynolds
Chief Growth Officer and Senior Managing Director, Fintech & Banking Compliance